This contradicts the Emperor's orders and forces him to put Mulan's relationship with Shang into question.

After the princesses unexpectedly fall in love with the Gang of Three, Mulan decides to help them escape the fate of marrying men they do not love. Mushu is determined to drive a wedge between the couple after he learns that he will lose his guardian job if Mulan marries into the Li family. Before the two can have their happily ever after, the Emperor assigns them a secret mission, to escort three princesses to Qui Gong, China.

Cast: Ming-Na M.G.Fa Mulan gets the surprise of her young life when her love, Captain (now General) Li Shang asks for her hand in marriage. Sceneggiatura: Michael Lucker Chris Parker Roger S i9000.L. Genere: Family members / Computer animation / Humor / Musical Shang chiede Mulan in moglie y la ragazza accetta que tiene grande felicità, mother quando Mushu, Io spirito drago amicó di Mulan, capiscé che in séguito al matrimonio pérderà il suo Iavoro di guardianó, inizi. Mulan torna più intraprendente ed audace che mai, insieme a tutti i protagonisti del primo episodio. San Souci (structured on a story by), Rita Hsiaó (screenpIay by), Chris Sanders (screenpIay by), Philip LaZébnik (screenplay by), Raymónd Singer (screenplay by), Eugenia Bostwick-Singer (screenplay by), Dean DeBlois (tale co-head), Bob Sanford (tale), Chris Williams (tale), Tim Hodge (tale), Julius Aguimatang (tale), Burny Mattinson (story), Lorna Cook (story), Barry Johnson (tale), Thom Enriquez (tale), Ed Gombert (tale), Joe Grant (tale), Floyd Norman (story), Linda Woolverton (additional tale materials), Jodi Ann Johnson (additional story material), Alan Ormsby (additional story material), John Reynolds (additional tale material), Put on Dougherty (additional story materials), Jorgen Klubien (additional tale materials), Denis Rich (additional tale materials), Joe Ekers (additional story materials), Theodore Newton (additional story material), Larry Scholl (additional story materials), Daan Jippes (additional story material), Open Nissen (additional tale materials), Jeff Snow (additional tale materials) Actors :